What is Tickle Liposuction?

Tickle liposuction, or “Nutational Infrasonic Liposculpture” to give it its full name, is a surgical procedure performed under local anaesthetic. This removes fat deposits using infrasonic waves.

What are infrasonic waves?

These are sound waves with a frequency range of below 20Hz. This is so low that people cannot hear it. Although they are produced in nature by Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, ocean waves, avalanches, waterfalls, meteors and even lightening.

What happens in a tickle liposuction procedure?

After receiving local anaesthetic, small incisions are made in the areas where unwanted fat deposits are situated. A tube is then inserted into these incisions and the vibration waves are emitted. It’s these vibrations that feel like “tickling”, hence the name.

Is tickle liposuction approved in the UK?

We have been unable to source information about whether tickle liposuction is approved in the UK.

However, liposuction is approved in the UK (Source: NHS) and is FDA approved in the USA.

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